Sunday, July 18, 2010

Oh The Mosaic Days of Summer

I adore Mosaics. I adore making them, researching them, looking at them and designing them. I collect all sorts of things to use in my mosaics from old Silver wear to old keys and jewelry to antique plates, cups and saucers. It is so much fun to add texture and depth to a piece.

I just purchased a Jig saw to help me make my critter and bug forms which I will start this week. My signature item is a Dragonfly which I will be over sizing to hang indoors and out. I also love love bees and beetles ...not the Fab 4 whom I still adore but the ones that fly.

It'll be fun. Lucky for me I have a friend who is a professional tile installer. I end up with some of the most unique and expensive tiles, marble and glass tile for free. Granted they are often thicker then say Smalti or ceramic mosaic tiles but I can use them in all sorts of outdoor pieces like stepping stones my bugs & critters and fountains and furniture.

One of my favorite pieces I ever made was an old seatless chair which I mosaic'ed then added a mossed chicken wire reinforced seat I filled with potting soil then with flowers cascading over. Of course I didn't take pictures of it for my portfolio which I am famous for forgetting to do, but it is easily re-created.

One of my new goals is to ALWAYS take pictures of everything I make from now on. I love the digital age and my digital camera! One of the best purchases I have ever made. Until later.....

Remember to be creative and kind in your thoughts and actions, have a super day,

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